NGC 3109 Dwarf Galaxy

NGC 3109 Dwarf Galaxy

Constellation: Hydra
Ra: 10hr 03m 06s
Dec: -26deg 09min
Distance: 4.5 million light years
Image Size: 42' x 42'
North: Lower left



NGC 3109 is a small, irregular galaxy in Hydra that is approx. 16 x 3 arcmin in apparent dimension and 4.5 million light years distant. It was discovered by John Herschel in 1835. It may be a part of a group of dwarf galaxies, all of them Local Group member candidates, including the Antila Dwarf galaxy, but this is still contested. It has a spiral galaxy designation, but appears flattened without much detail. It has been the subject of considerable research. It has low surface brightness, a considerable warp in the disk and new star formation.

Exposure: 8.33 hrs Total; 4.33 hrs Clear, 4 hrs RGB
Telescope: 14.5" f/8.2 Classical Cass. in RCOS truss
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME
Oag: Astrodon MonsterMOAG
Acquisition: CCD AutoPilot4
Calibration: CCDStack2
Observatory Site: Riverland Dingo Observatory, Moorook, S. Australia
Camera: Apogee U16M
Filters: Astrodon Gen 2 CRGB
Guider: SBIG ST-402
Camera Operation: MaximDL5.08
Processing: Photoshop CS3
Image Date: 03/10/2010

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