Acquired with CCDAutoPilot2. Processed with CCDStack and PhotoshopCS. The small galactic "cloud" at the 10 o’clock position according to Magastar5 is mag 14 UGC5336. Astrodon I-Series filters combined at 1:1:1.1.
Image Date: 01/06/2006
Details: Exposure Time: 5 hrs Total; 2 hrs NIR Blocked Lum, 1 hr each R,G,B
Camera: SBIG STL11000
Telescope: RC Optical Carbon Truss 16 inch f/8.4 Ritchey-Chretien
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME
Details: Exposure Time: 5 hrs Total; 2 hrs NIR Blocked Lum, 1 hr each R,G,B
Camera: SBIG STL11000
Telescope: RC Optical Carbon Truss 16 inch f/8.4 Ritchey-Chretien
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME