This is the first color image from the Ceravolo 300 astrograph and the Apogee U8300 CCD camera. The C300 is a CDK design with a 12.5" primary mirror at f/4.9 that works out to be 1430 mm of focal length. The U8300 is a smaller detector (3326 x 2504; 18 x 13.4 mm), but has very small 5.4 micron pixels. The combination produces a great plate scale of 0.82"/pixel. The system was giuded with a BORG76ED guide scope and Starlight Express Loadstar guide camera. Unbinned data were collected automatically with CCDAutoPilot4 running Maxim5 and PinPoint Pro for plate solving. Astrodon Generation 2 LRGB filters were used. Data were processed in CCDStack, Maxim and Photoshop. Imaged from my backyard in mag 4.5 suburban skies.
Image Date: 04/25/2009
Details: Exposure Time: 2 hrs: 30 min L, 30 min each R,G,B
Camera: Apogee U8300
Telescope: Ceravolo 300
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME
Details: Exposure Time: 2 hrs: 30 min L, 30 min each R,G,B
Camera: Apogee U8300
Telescope: Ceravolo 300
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME