This was a collaboration with Tom Carrico at ARGO. Tom took 5 hours of H-a with a 180 mm telephote lens on a ST2000XM camera with a 6 nm Astrodon H-a filter. I took the SII and OIII images with Astrodon filters in an STL11000XM and Takahashi FSQ106N refractor. The plate scales are about the same. OIII = Blue. H-a = Green. SII = Red.
Image Date: 09/01/2005
Details: Exposure Time: 9.5 hrs Total; 5 hrs H-a, 3 hrs SII, 1.5 hrs OIII
Camera: SBIG STL11000
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ106N
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME
Details: Exposure Time: 9.5 hrs Total; 5 hrs H-a, 3 hrs SII, 1.5 hrs OIII
Camera: SBIG STL11000
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ106N
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME