The H-a data are shown below:
This is a combination of a 3 hour H-a luminance taken on an FSQ with an STL6303E at our 3GT setup at New Mexico Skies and 1.5 hours of color taken in Sacramento, CA (backyard) with an FSQ and STL11000XM. All images were taken unbineed at -25C. I used Rob Gendler’s method of adding some of the H-a into the red color channel, but used measured G2V star balance for the initial RGB combine. I used Registar to register and crop the 6303E and 11000 frames.
Image Date: 11/18/2005
Details: Exposure Time:Â 3 hours
Camera:Â SBIGÂ Â 6303E
Telescope: Takahashi  FSQ106N
Mount: Software Bisque  Paramount ME
Details: Exposure Time:Â 3 hours
Camera:Â SBIGÂ Â 6303E
Telescope: Takahashi  FSQ106N
Mount: Software Bisque  Paramount ME