Narrowband Image (Don Goldman) OIII, SII, H-aLRGB Image (Bob Fera) Yankee Robotics Trifid-2 6303E, 12.5" RCRegistered in Registar. Composed in Photoshop and Imageready. Click on image and it will play 5 sequences and stop. It will play slowly the first time through. Click refresh (F5) in IE6 or CTRL-R in Firefox to play again.
Image Date: 06/29/2006
Details: Exposure Time: 8 hours Narrowband; 4.25 hrs LRGB
Camera: SBIG STL11000
Telescope: RC Optical Carbon 16 inch f/8.4 Ritchey-Chretien
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME
Details: Exposure Time: 8 hours Narrowband; 4.25 hrs LRGB
Camera: SBIG STL11000
Telescope: RC Optical Carbon 16 inch f/8.4 Ritchey-Chretien
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME