Pickering’s Triangle in H-a/OIII

Pickering’s Triangle in H-a/OIII

Veil Supernova Remnant

Constellation: Cygnus
Ra: 20h 48m 24s
Dec: +31d 27m 19s
Distance: 1,400 light years
Image Size: 35' x 35'
North: Lower left



Pickering’s Triangle is part of the Veil supernova remnant in the NW portion near NGC6979 and NGC6974. It does not have an NGC number but is also known as Seimis 3-188. It is 1,400 light years distant in the constellation of Cygnus. The filamentary segments represent an expanding shell or shock front of the supernova explosion that took palce 5,000 – 10,000 years ago that are now five times the size of the full moon. As visual observer’s can attest to with the use of OIII filters, Pickering’s Triangle is strongly enriched in OIII. This image was taken only with H-a (red) and OIII (blue, green) narrowband filters to bring out the fine filamentary detail.

Exposure: 3.5 hrs H-a, 4 hrs OIII
Telescope: RCOS 16" RC f/8.9 tube
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME
Oag: Astrodon MonsterMOAG
Acquisition: CCD AutoPilot4
Calibration: CCDStack2
Observatory Site: Sierra-Remote Observatories, Shaver Lake, CA
Camera: Apogee U16M
Filters: Astrodon 3nm OIII, H-a
Guider: SBIG ST-402
Camera Operation: MaximDL4.62
Processing: Photoshop CS3
Image Date: 07/04/2009

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